
TOO YOUNG?!?!?!?!?

Every teen goes through this... even if you're a guy..... DATING.... Its the biggest concern on everyones mind. Yes, we are "just teens" but hey, back then in the 1200's girls were married by 10. I don't understand why adults are so against us "teens" to date. If before they were born and many generations before they were born teens of the age of 15 had families already. There excuse is "these are new times" or "you're too young to date". My question to them is were they ever teenagers? Because you need to understand that when a boy likes a girl or the other way around they want to be together (not in that way). Dating isn't all that bad. Well I'm not saying that 3 or 4 year olds should date but when you're a teenager boys and girls start to look more attractive to you. Is it that adults think something more is going to happen? If that's the case then you need to have trust in your son or daughter or student aboutt that. Yes you are just trying to be helpful but if you don't give teens liberties, it's probably going to be worse because that one day you do give them that freedom, they're going to take advantage and worse things could happen. But here is one thing to remember if you're a teen: *DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT LET YOUR FEELINGS OVERCOME YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE* and if you're an adult, *DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT KEEP YOUR CHILD IN A BOX ALL OF THEIR TEEN LIFE*. Learn from EVERYONES mistakes..BYE!!

1 comment:

  1. nicki u r doing ur thing post more please
